Where skin disorders are concerned, it is best to stick as much as possible to natural cure options; these are less likely to have an adverse side-effect. A variety of Natural Acne Cure Products are available in the market and you can consider these, after consulting with your doctor.
What is Acne?
Acne is a disorder that causes skin eruptions and inflammation in human beings. It occurs principally during the adolescence/teenage years – the Pimple Phase, so to speak, which is suffered or endured by nearly 90% of the young population. But Acne is also quite commonly seen in adults.

What causes Acne?
It is thought that the increased production of the Testosterone hormone and natural oils in the body during the teenage years is responsible for the formation of pimples. However other physical and genetic factors may also play a role. Stress, psychological disturbances, and irregular living habits can also bring on Acne.
Impact of Acne
While Acne is not life-threatening, it can have a very adverse psychological impact on it's young sufferer. At the very time of your life, when you're extra-conscious about your looks and want to fit in, being marked out by acne can be extremely difficult to live with. Teenagers with acne are often prone to depression and often show poor self-esteem and a general lack of confidence.
The large incidence of Acne is the reason there are so many skin products in the market, designed to fight and cure it.
Some Natural Anti-Acne Products you will find in the market
Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Zinc, and Vitamin A are some natural products that have been used with some success to cure Acne. A word of caution about 'natural' skin care items. They often contain certain chemicals for preservation purposes. Some of these may not be advisable for you if you're pregnant or have certain special health considerations. As mentioned, it is best to consult with your doctor before embarking on any therapy.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is obtained from the Melaleuca alternifoliais tree from Australia. It is very effective against Acne as it contains bacteria-fighting substances called Terpenes. Acne is often caused by bacteria and the Terpenes either outright kill them or weaken them enough to be destroyed by protective antibodies. There are very little side effects from using Tea Tree Oil.
Aloe Vera
The watery gel from Aloe Vera plant is also a highly effective natural cure against Acne. The enzyme-rich gel has very soothing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can also be taken internally and helps clean up and detox the digestive tract. This in turn can help clear up the skin.
Zinc is taken in the form of capsules. It helps to strengthen the human immune system and to repair the skin.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A tablets are also a natural and effective Acne cure. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E also helps in countering Acne. It is a natural antioxidant and beneficial for the skin. Vitamin E comes in soft gelatin capsules that contain Vitamin E, Soybean Oil, Glycerin, and Water.
Some Natural Homemade Cures to counter Acne
The most important thing to do if you suffer from Acne is to drink at least four pints of water every day. Drinking a lot of water is very beneficial to your skin. Including fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables in your daily diet will also bring about a marked improvement in the quality of your complexion.
Before bathing, apply a mixture of tomato pulp – real tomota pulp, not packaged one – honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off.
At night, before going to bed, apply a mix of cream, glycerine, and lemon juice to your face and again keep it on for a short while before washing.
Regular Yoga exercises will also improve skin and overall health.
Things to Avoid
Avoid touching your face all the time, keep your hair away from your face, and avoid picking at pimples.
Another important thing if you're prone to Acne is to avoid using heavy make-up – in fact, it is preferable to avoid make-up altogether. For an effective cure, stay as natural as possible.Click Here!